Shawn Rapier, host of the Latter-day Lives podcast poses with Sarah after their interview.
After nearly two decades in a mental health system which doesn’t recognize spiritual experiences as anything more than a form of mental illness, it’s rare that I share my personal perspective and beliefs about my recovery journey. However, not sharing this critical aspect of my journey, ignores a key part of my personal identity, cultural upbringing and religious beliefs. I sincerely doubt that I would have my journey if I did not have a foundation of faith in my savior Jesus Christ.
For that reason, I reached out to Shawn Rapier from the Latter-day Lives Podcast in an effort to publicly share my recovery journey in a way not previously heard. He chose to interview me for his 80th episode.
He writes, “Shortly after her mission, Sarah experienced her first psychotic break while attending BYU. For 12 years, she was essentially lost to her family and society. For nearly two decades, she lived with symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar (schizoaffective). Her unique journey includes 36 years memory loss. In 2017, she met a new doctor who recognized her “treatment resistant” symptoms were actually caused by toxic encephalopathy. She no longer experiences psychiatric symptoms. Sarah is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with a specialty in psychiatric rehabilitation. She is also the host of the Emotional Self-Reliance Podcast. In the episode, we talk about her amazing journey and the lessons she has learned along the way. Sarah is open, funny, insightful, inspiring, and so strong. You will love Sarah and this conversation.”
Thank you Shawn for the opportunity to share my story!