Sarah Price Hancock is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with a Masters of Science from San Diego State University’s Rehabilitation Counseling program and an advanced certificate in Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Sarah previously worked as the NeuroRecover Coordinator at The Center for Health and Wellbeing in San Diego where she helped coordinate the services for people undergoing NeuroRecover and worked as lead researcher in this new innovative and natural way to heal from head trauma and injury from neurotransmitter receptor injury. Sarah also worked in supporting people coming off psychiatric medications, pain medications, muscle relaxants, illicit drugs and addictive behaviors.
Sarah’s journey living with symptoms of schizoaffective disorder – bipolar type began after her first psychotic break in the late 90’s. For 17 years she was treatment compliant with a very treatment resistant illness. Nothing worked until twelve years into her journey, she began finding and incorporating wellness tools in addition to and later outside of traditional medication and counseling. That exploratory process led her to a doctor who addresses symptoms of severe mental illness as having resulted from living with toxic encephalopathy. With his ongoing care, her psychiatric symptoms only occur when she deviate from the diet. I am constantly gathering new “wellness tools” for my toolbox.
From 2014-2017, Sarah worked as an adjunct professor for San Diego State University’s Rehabilitation Counseling Program’s Concentration in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Track where she co-facilitated the following CACREP accredited classes:
- ARP 601: Best Practices in Psychiatric Rehabilitation with Dr. Marjorie Olney (Fall 2014-2017)
- ARP 608: Principles of Psychiatric Rehabilitation with Dr. Marjorie Olney (Spring 2015-2017)
- ARP 740: Human Development [& Disability] (online) with Dr. Louise Stanger (Fall 2014) and Dr. Marjorie Olney (Summer 2015)
- ARP 660 Theory and Practice of Counseling (online) with Dr. Marjorie Olney (Spring 2016)
Sarah has lectured more than 70 times at ten San Diego universities for interdisciplinary programs on a variety of recovery topics. Programs for which she has lectured include: Community Psychiatry, Nursing, Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Social Work, and Rehabilitation Counseling. Sarah also enjoys teaching families about emotional self reliance and developing a plan for wellness.
Sarah’s personal recovery journey fuels her passion for teaching professionals, paraprofessionals, peers and families about recovery. In her classes she teaches interweaving research and evidence-based best practices with her own personal experience, providing unique insight into the reality of recovery. Sarah believes that with proper support, psychiatric recovery isn’t just possible — it’s probable. Sarah is the evidence.
For a video highlighting her Recovery Journey, check out My Journey with Schizoaffective Disorder.