My Recovery Journey: A spiritual perspective

Shawn Rapier, host of the Latter-day Lives podcast poses with Sarah after their interview. After nearly two decades in a mental health system which doesn't recognize spiritual experiences as anything more than a form of mental illness, it's rare that I share my personal perspective and beliefs about my recovery journey. However, not [...]

9: Developing your Action Plan for early warning signs (Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)-Part 4)

Can you recognize the early warning signs of mental illness? Do you have an action plan to keep things in check?Let's build your WRAP. Sarah mentions her guest appearance on the Latter-day Lives Podcast.

By |2019-03-16T19:00:19+00:00February 27th, 2019|Anxiety, depression, ESRPodcast, Mental Health Crisis, Mental Illness, Mental Illness Treatment, Podcast, Wellness Tools, WRAP|Comments Off on 9: Developing your Action Plan for early warning signs (Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)-Part 4)


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