My Recovery Journey: A spiritual perspective

Shawn Rapier, host of the Latter-day Lives podcast poses with Sarah after their interview. After nearly two decades in a mental health system which doesn't recognize spiritual experiences as anything more than a form of mental illness, it's rare that I share my personal perspective and beliefs about my recovery journey. However, not [...]

1: What is Emotional Self-Reliance?

If your psychiatrist told you "They haven't invented the medication that will help you yet," what would you do? Join Sarah's exploration of "Wellness Tools" as she works to recover a life lost to symptoms of severe mental illness and a memory lost to psychiatric electroconvulsive therapy "shock" treatments.

By |2019-03-16T18:51:38+00:00December 12th, 2018|Anxiety, depression, ECT, employment, ESRPodcast, Identify, Memory Loss, Mental Illness, psychosis, Recovery, Stigma, Symptoms, Vocational Rehab, Wellness Tools|Comments Off on 1: What is Emotional Self-Reliance?


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